How to Highlight a vgPart


Vega Code Example







This example function illustrates how to create a Performer high-light and apply it to a vgPart.


  • How to apply a high-light to a vgPart (see setHighlightOnVegaPart)
  • How to remove a high-light that has been applied to a vgPart (see remHighlightFromVegaPart)
  • How to create a pfHighlight (see createHighlight )
  • How to use pfNewHlight
  • How to use Vega's shared Arena with vgGetSharedArena
  • How to set the Highlight style of a pfHighlight with pfHlightMode
  • How to set the color of a pfHighlight using pfHlightColor
  • How to set the Line width for line style pfHighlight with pfHlightLineWidth
  • How to set the lengths of Normals when displaying normals using pfHlightNormalLength
  • How to write Performer node draw call backs
  • How to pass data in to perfomer node call-backs using pfNodeTravData
  • How so save the performer Draw state using pfPushState
  • How to get the pfNode from a pfTraverser using pfGetTravNode
  • How to enable and disable highlighting using pfEnable
  • How to apply and make a pfHighlight current with pfApplyHlight
  • How to restore the performer Draw state using pfPopState
  • How to get the performer node from a vgPart using vgGetPartPfNode
  • How to add Pre and Post draw call-back functions to  a pfNode using pfNodeTravFuncs
  • How to retrieve the user data from a pfNode using pfGetNodeTravData
  • How to remove pfNode call-backs using pfNodeTravFuncs
  • How to call a call-back function only once ( see remhighlightPostDrawTravFuncFIX)
  • How to make a call-back remove its self ( see remhighlightPostDrawTravFuncFIX)
  • How to remove the user data from a call-back using pfNodeTravData
  • How to delete a pfHighlight  instance using pfDelete


  • This also shows how to work around an apparent bug in Vega NT where the high-light is not correctly remove






#include "vg.h"          // Required for the standard Vega classes
#include "vgperf.h"      // Required for the vgGetXXXPfNode functions
#include "pf.h"          // Required for the standard Performer classes
#include "vgutil.h"
#include "pfutil.h"      // Required for pfFindNode


// Declare the Pre and Post Node Draw as STATIC these have to be static





static int highlightPreDrawTravFunc       ( pfTraverser *trav, void *data );

static int highlightPostDrawTravFunc      ( pfTraverser *trav, void *data );

static int remhighlightPostDrawTravFuncFIX( pfTraverser *trav, void *data);


pfHighlight* createHighlight( const float r ,const float g ,const float b ,const unsigned int fill );


void       remHighlightFromVegaPart( vgPart *Part );

void       setHighlightOnVegaPart  ( vgPart *Part );






createHighlight( const float r

                ,const float g

                ,const float b

                ,const unsigned int fill ) {

// ####################################################

// # Public  function                                 

// #

// # Create a and return a new pfHighlight instance    

// #

// # Note it is upto the caller to manage the deletion

// #      of this instance

// #

// ####################################################




    // create the new blank highlight instance


    pfHighlight *hlight = pfNewHlight( vgGetSharedArena());



    // Set the fill/ out line mode for the highlight


    // The following are possible high style note thatsome may not supported

    // on all platforms, also note that the style can be or'd together

    // to form combinations of high lights


    // See the Performer PGuide and man pages for further details



    //      PFHL_LINES        PFHL_LINES_R    


    //      PFHL_LINESMASK    PFHL_FILL       

    //      PFHL_FILLPAT      PFHL_FILLPAT2   

    //      PFHL_FILLTEX      PFHL_FILL_R     


    //      PFHL_POINTS       PFHL_NORMALS    

    //      PFHL_BBOX_LINES   PFHL_BBOX_FILL      



    pfHlightMode(  hlight, fill ) ;



    // Set the forground and background color for the highlight


    pfHlightColor( hlight, PFHL_FGCOLOR, r, g, b );

    pfHlightColor( hlight, PFHL_BGCOLOR, r, g, b );



    // Set the alpha to opaque as transparent is not supported

    // on many systems


    pfHlightAlpha( hlight, 1.0f );




    // Set the line width for line styles


    pfHlightLineWidth( hlight, 1 .0f);




    // When showing normals make them short


    pfHlightNormalLength( hlight, 0.5f, 0.0f );



return hlight;


} // createHighlight





highlightPreDrawTravFunc( pfTraverser *trav, void *data){

// ####################################################

// #

// # STATIC Function:  (PFTRAV_DRAW)   

// #

// # Pre Draw traversal function placed on a node which

// # enables and applies the highlight to the node and

// # all the nodes children

// #

// # note this function MUST be declared as STATIC

// #

// ####################################################



    // We need to first save the current Performer State






    // Now we can enable the highlighting


    pfEnable( PFEN_HIGHLIGHTING );



    // Now retrieve the highlight from the passed user data


    pfHighlight *hlight = (pfHighlight *)data;



    // If we have a highlight then make it current


    if( hlight)

        pfApplyHlight( hlight );



// We need to tell Performer to continue the traverse of this node


return (PFTRAV_CONT);


} // highlightPreDrawTravFunc





highlightPostDrawTravFunc( pfTraverser *trav, void *data){

// ######################################################

// #

// # STATIC Function:  (PFTRAV_DRAW)   

// #

// # Post Draw traversal function on a node which disables

// # the highlight applied in the corresponding pre draw

// # fucntion

// #

// # note this function MUST be declared as STATIC

// #

// ######################################################




    // Now we disable the highlighting we enabled


    pfDisable( PFEN_HIGHLIGHTING );



    // And restore the Performer state





// We need to tell Performer to continue the traverse of this node


return (PFTRAV_CONT);



}  //  highlightPostDrawTravFunc






remhighlightPostDrawTravFuncFIX( pfTraverser *trav, void *data){

// #################################################################

// #

// # STATIC Function:  (PFTRAV_DRAW)   

// #

// # Post Draw traversal function on a node which disables

// # the highlight applied in the corresponding pre draw

// # fucntion

// #

// #

// # This should be added in the remove highligh function

// # because when pfNodeTravFuncs( node, PFTRAV_DRAW, NULL, NULL )

// # called the call backs are removed but an apparent bug in Vega

// # means that the Predraw gets applied but the post draw function

// # does not and the highlight stays on this fixes the problem by

// # explicitly disbaling the highlighitng

// #

// #

// # note this function MUST be declared as STATIC

// #

// #################################################################




    // Now we disable the highlighting we enabled


    pfDisable( PFEN_HIGHLIGHTING );



    // Retrieve which node we are


    pfNode *node = pfGetTravNode( trav );



    // We only need to call this one so we can self remove


    pfNodeTravFuncs( node, PFTRAV_DRAW, NULL, NULL);



// We need to tell Performer to continue the traverse of this node


return (PFTRAV_CONT);


} // remhighlightPostDrawTravFuncFIX




setHighlightOnVegaPart( vgPart *Part ){

// ##########################################################

// #

// # Public Function

// #

// #   Example of how to add Highlightinh to a Vega Part

// #                                                        

// ##########################################################




    //  Sanity check we need a Part


    if( Part == NULL )




    // Get the root Performer node of the Part


    pfNode *node = vgGetPartPfNode( Part );

    if( node == NULL )




    // Create the Highlight instance, Red and Filled


    pfHighlight *hlight = createHighlight( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, PFHL_FILL);

    if( hlight == NULL )





    // Set the Pre and Post draw callback which enable and disable the highlight


    pfNodeTravFuncs( node, PFTRAV_DRAW, highlightPreDrawTravFunc, highlightPostDrawTravFunc );



    // Set the highlight instance as the user data for the callbacks


    pfNodeTravData( node, PFTRAV_DRAW, hlight );



} //setHighlightOnVegaPart





remHighlightFromVegaPart( vgPart *Part ){

// ##########################################################

// #

// # Public Function

// #

// #    Remove the highlight Callbacks from the passed Part

// #

// ##########################################################




    //  Sanity check we need a Part


    if( Part == NULL )





    // Get the root Performer node of the Part


    pfNode *node = vgGetPartPfNode( Part );

    if( node == NULL )




    // Retrieve the highlight instance from the user data


    pfHighlight *hlight = (pfHighlight *)pfGetNodeTravData( node, PFTRAV_DRAW );



    // Remove the highlight call back functions by simply setting

    // them to NULL on the Node, Performer only supports one call

    // pre and post traversal callbacks per node


    pfNodeTravFuncs( node, PFTRAV_DRAW, NULL, NULL);





    // Theres an apperent bug in Vega where the Highlight will stay on

    // becuase the removal of the draw function gets called with the

    // highlight enabled but the post never gets called to remove the

    // highlight, so the state is wrong this is a work around that will

    // ensure that the highlight is removed



    pfNodeTravFuncs( node, PFTRAV_DRAW, NULL, remhighlightPostDrawTravFuncFIX);



    // And remove the data simply by


    pfNodeTravData( node, PFTRAV_DRAW, NULL );




    // If we got a highlight back from the user data

    // then we delete it


    if( hlight != NULL )

        pfDelete( hlight);



} // remHighlightFromVegaPart






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